Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Goodies

Amazing blood red BC cherries:) I just finished pitting a bag for the freezer...but it looks more like I was completing a sacrifice. Will take a few days to get the blood off my hands...

I LOVE Sunday afternoons.
Filled with nothing and everything they are a slow motion frame in my high speed life. From go go go to ahhhhh, Sundays are a magical part of the week.

I have had an amazing week and weekend of playing in the dirt. More on that to come in the next post. But this afternoon it has been all about harvesting, processing and prepping yummy summer goodies for my freezer.
Strawberries and cherries are done...raspberries are coming tomorrow...then it is blueberries and finally, blackberries in (sigh) August. I have a love hate relationship with blackberries for that reason...when they are juicy and bursting with flavor you know the end of summer is near. No rush for that!
After the fruit sacrifice I moved on to healthy freezer treats. If you are like me you crave something ice cold from the freezer on these hot days...but balancing ice cream treats with natural, healthy treats is the key to high energy and a healthy bod.
Here are my two latest 'healthy' freezer treats! Enjoy!
Frozen yogurt bananas.
These taste naughty...but they are nice! The bananas take on a cheesecake like creamy texture when you freeze them:)
  • Cut a ripe banana in half and skewer OR cut into pieces.
  • Dip in your favorite yogurt to coat.
  • Place on a tray and freeze.
Natural 'Ice Cream'.
You saw my new fav. chocolate banana 'ice cream' recipe last week....did you try it yet? If not, go get the food processor out right now and get a batch going! One of my participants mentioned she (GASP) doesn't really like chocolate (GASP) and wanted to know what else she could put in the 'ice cream'. After getting over the shock, I started thinking...and came up with this version as an alternative to the chocolate recipe:
Banana coconut lime 'ice cream'. HELLLOOOOO! This is like a day on a tropical island beach...

  • 2 frozen bananas- thaw slightly in warm water to peel off the skins
    1-2 tbs honey, maple syrup or agave nectar
    1 tsp vanilla
  • lime rind- 1/4 to 1/2
  • lime juice- 1/2
  • 3tbs very fine shredded natural coconut

Blend all in a food processor until it gets to be the texture of soft ice cream. Eat or freeze for 20 minutes until firm.

Tonight we are having fresh caught halibut and my new favorite summer salad...
Asian Soba Noodle salad with ginger, lime wasabi, soy dressing. Here is the recipe as promised!!
Boil 1 package soba buckwheat noodles, rinse, drizzle with sesame oil and set aside to cool
Make dressing by whisking the following:
  • Juice of 1 lime or lemon
  • 1TBS soysauce
  • 1/2 tea honey
  • 1/2 tea fresh grated ginger
  • 1TBS wasabi paste
  • 2 TBS oil 1 veg and 1 sesame
Prepare veggies of your choice for the salad:
  • Sprouts
  • Shredded cucumber
  • Shredded carrot
  • Shredded lettuce or cabbage
  • Steamed edamame
  • 1 sheet nori cut into thin strips

Place greens, noodles, nori into a bowl then drizzle with dressing and top with toasted sesame seeds. OMG good. You will be hooked on this one soon like me!

Happy munching!

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